The city of Mesquite had a “20 Year Leak” that we fixed in less than 2 hours
Another impossible roofing dilemma: Case Study #185 – Mesquite City Hall
It’s Not Nice To Laugh At People But You Have To Admit This Is Funny.
When the City of Mesquite hired us to fix the leak that nobody had been able to fix for literally 20 years, nobody could believe it was fixed and actually repaired for good. The leak had caused water to rush down a pillar and pool on the floor in the main entry way. After dozens of failed attempts and multiple roofing contractors the “caution wet floor” pylon became a permanent fixture every time it rained. It just happened to rain the day we fixed it, so we were there to witness people walking around the pillar without even thinking about it. One man walked
up to the pillar, touched it (dry, of course!), backed up and walked around anyway!
Do you have an impossible leak that needs to be fixed? We DARE you to take the “WORST LEAK CHALLENGE”. We’re on the BuyBoard so give us a call… it will be quick, easy, and FIXED FOREVER!
Client Success Story #152
Client: | Description |
Project: | Description |
Roof Problems | Description |
Key Result | Description |