We’ve Got Your Entire Roof Covered…
From storm preparedness, to storm restoration, to routine leaks, to asset management, to restoration, to replacement… and more
Most roofing companies offer two basic services… leak repair and roof replacement. Castro Roofing is all about TOTAL ROOF HEALTH & SOLUTIONS.
The idea is to prevent as many problems as possible, to be ready for the problems that inevitably happen anyway (think: storms), and offer you multiple solutions when your roof needs to be replaced.
Please browse through the sections below to see our wide array of services—you’ll quickly come to appreciate that we’re not simply a “911 Call For Roofing Emergencies.” We’re a TOTAL SOLUTIONS provider who will care for your roofing needs 24/7/365.

Castro Roofing’s
Total Roof Health & Solutions
The Brands
Leaks Repaired Permanently

Fix for life or fix for FREE.
When FAILURE is not an option. Our roof repairs are guaranteed for the life of the existing roof. We get to the source of Roof Leaks to make sure they’re 100% fixed—FOREVER. Others apply Band-Aids; we Deliver Peace of Mind. Our leak repairs have the best warranty in the industry. If we don’t fix your roof leak, we’ll refund your money plus $5,000. 200% guarantee!
Extend The Life Of Your Roof

Avoid the hassle, expense, & aggravation of huge repair bills.
Periodic routine maintenance is the key to a healthy, long-lasting roof.
LOOKOUT™ extends the life of your roof system by developing & maintaining a comprehensive database of roof management information.
Why Replace? Restore.

Why Replace when you can Restore — for HALF THE PRICE?
Many old roofs can be Restored for a fraction of the replacement cost. As a rule of thumb, you should replace your roof if the projected repair cost is 35% or more of the replacement cost. But did you know that there is a third option?
Long Life Roof Solutions

Any roofing contractor can reroof a building.
Only Castro Roofing makes the process easy, transparent, & stress-free. It’s all about planning, systems, & communication.
There are a thousand possible land mines when it comes to reroofing a building.
Special Storm Unit

When the storms blow in… Castro is ready with the right solution.
When your building is hit by a storm, the last thing you want to do is frantically and haphazardly apply “Band-Aid” solutions on readily apparent leaks.
We’ve Got You Covered

Our revolutionary “FIRST WATCH” Storm Readiness Program makes your storm response immediate, thorough, and pro-active… not reactive.
Avoid unnecessary battles with your insurance company. Get “Front Of The Line” priority service. Be ready for ANYTHING.
Design Roof Solutions

Good roofs come from superior craftsmanship, and all roof problems are solved by good design.
Get a roof perfectly design and install you’ll love – guaranteed!
Finds Hidden Damage

The Military Grade X-VISION Thermal Scanner determines real problems versus best guesses.
Over 100 governmental and commercial clients are using X-Vision to inspect their buildings to determine real problems versus best guesses and develop target