The Dirty Secret about Change Orders

 In Culture and Business, New Roof, Uncategorized

Not too long ago, we talked about the importance Castro Roofing places on e​thics. ​Well, one thing many roofing contractors do is use the c​hange order ​as a way to b​ill you more d​uring a project—either because they made a mistake or because they’re using it as an unscrupulous way to make more money!

When presented with these change orders, most clients simply agree—what choice do they have? They’ve already hired the contractor and want to see the job get done! They certainly don’t want to hire a different roofing contractor i​​n the middle of the project!

Our “No Change Order” Guarantee

Well, just because it’s convenient doesn’t mean it’s right. At Castro Roofing, we offer a “No Change Order” Guarantee. Here’s what it says:

“If Castro Roofing designs your roofing solution, you won’t ever experience an increase in your project cost due to change orders.”

What does this mean for you? It means no more project cost overruns or delays. We guarantee our designs and our work, so if you use Castro to design and build your project, you’re covered!
Questions about this special guarantee? We’re just a phone call away!


Roofing above the rest,
Rudy Rodriguez
Chief Executive Dreamer


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