Angel Rodriguez Sr.Vice President

Angel or known to all as “Capitan” is literally the founding father of Castro Roofing.

With a family that consisted of three hungry boys he had to find a way to feed them. Being the great parent that he is he knew that hard work, great product, and ambition all put to use would do that.

The American Dreamer along with his wife Nancy set off on an unforgettable crusade to bring Texas the best Roofing Company. I guess you could say that he is the Indiana Jones of our industry.

Capitan’s love for his wife is so strong that he named the company Castro based off of her family name. I know all you thought it would be a more exciting story like the name was an attempt to turn Americans on to communism, well if you know Capitan he is a lover not a fighter.

His new founded venture landed him first in the residential sector of roofing. And having all those boys well he had more than enough labor to help get a good start. (Did we mention Capitan lived in a time before child labor laws were in effect)?  We are just joking , but Capitan being the smart man that he is, taught the roofing industry inside and out to all of his children. Why feed all these kids when you can teach them to get their own food? Smart man indeed.

In 1990 with his kids full and hungry for new opportunity they ventured out and transitioned from a residential company to a commercial company. Now at the age of retirement Capitan’s main job is to come in and make us laugh. He loves being a comic, dancer, and world class dad and husband. Not a day goes by without him bragging on his beloved family.

Capitan says “ llegado ser parte de mi familia Castro, y buscar la aventura con nosotros” !Simply translated Come be a part of my Castro family, and seek adventure with us!

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