
What do you think of when you hear the word “infrared”?

The Predator movie?
Surveillance videos?
NASA space pictures?

Did you know that thermal imaging can be used for finding moisture in roofing and building envelopes, building heat/cooling loss studies, electrical issues, mechanical issues and for helping to locate inflammation and other anomalies in horses? Yes…horses. It’s also being considered as an alternative to mammograms.

The benefits of thermal imaging have not gone untapped for the construction, facilities maintenance and roofing industry of late. In the roofing industry specifically, infrared can help locate wet insulation in most flat roofs as well as helping to narrow the search for a possible leak source.

Infrared scanning is an excellent tool to help find problem wet areas in roofing systems. This allows for substantial costs savings for roof replacement projects since tear-off may be minimized to select areas rather than the entire roof system. Both of which can save you money.

Thermal scans of your roof system can quickly and accurately evaluate the health of your roof without the need for destructive testing. Thermal imaging is also more cost effective than other traditional roof evaluation methods.

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