Castro Roofing of Texas has an outstanding team of dedicated employees that are responsive, efficient, and hard-working. I appreciate their team’s willingness to work with me to solve problems creatively and fairly.
Dallas ISD

We’ve won every AWARD available to commercial roofers that matter.

We are more than a Contractor. We are a Partner.
We focus on the PAIN that drove you to engage us. When we sit down, we are going to dive deep into the issue. Not only what the problem or goals are, but how to get your business back online and within your timeline.
We are here to “Deliver Peace of Mind. This means lowering the worry, fear, and anxiety of having to deal with a problem above your head.
Dallas Business Ethics Award
The Only Roofing Company To Be Named—Ever.
Gold Circle Safety Award – National Roofing Contractors Association
Work On The Dallas City Performance Hall

“If you really want to do something, you’ll find a way. If you don’t, you’ll find an excuse.”